Our Land | Our Culture: Saskatchewan First Nations Geospatial Workshop

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Our Land | Our Culture: Saskatchewan First Nations Geospatial Workshop

Tuesday, March 9, 9:00 AM to Wednesday, March 10, 4:00 PM

In partnership with The Firelight Group, and the Saskatchewan Aboriginal Land Technicians (SALT), First Nations University of Canada is pleased to host the exclusive opportunity for Saskatchewan First Nations and organizations. Introducing Our Land | Our Culture: Saskatchewan First Nations Geospatial Workshop.

In this online introductory course, we will learn all about the science and art of map-making, how to use QGIS (an open-sourced mapping software) and how mapping can be applied to a variety of Indigenous mapping contexts. This training starts at the very beginning – so don’t worry if you have not used QGIS before or if you are not familiar with GIS and mapping. If you are someone who enjoys critical thinking, but also enjoys being artistic and creative – this training is definitely for you!

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/our-land-our-culture-saskatchewan-first-nations-geospatial-workshop-tickets-141898098031

Registration is free. Limited seating is available.

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