Absence of the President Policy – Procedure Statement

Home / About Us / Policies / Absence of the President Policy – Procedure Statement
January 29, 2017
Last Revised:
June 10, 2013
Board Secretary
Approved By:

Short-Term Absence of the President:

  1. The President or the President’s executive assistant will send the Chair of the Board an email message informing him or her that the President will be absent. The message will include:
    – the reason for the absence,
    – the start and end dates of the absence,
    – the name of the person who will be acting President during the absence and his or her contact information.
  2. The President or the President’s executive assistant will send employees and other stakeholders an email message(s) informing them the President will be absent. The message(s) will include:
    – the start and end dates of the absence,
    – the name of the person who will be acting President during the absence and his or her contact information.
  3. The President’s executive assistant will file all messages on the matter of the President’s absence in the President’s personnel record.
  4. The Secretary to the Board of Governors records the disclosure in the meeting minutes, which are maintained as official records of the University. He or she files any written disclosures in the official Board of Governors’ records.

Long-Term Absence of the President:

  1. The President will inform the Chair that he or she will be absent for more than a month. The President will let the Chair know:
    – the reason for the absence,
    – the start and end dates of the absence, and
    – the Board should meet as soon as possible to appoint an acting President.
  2. The Chair of the Board will call an emergency meeting of the Board (in-person or teleconference) to appoint an acting President.
  3. When the acting President is appointed, the Chair of the Board will prepare a contract that outlines:
    – the term of the acting appointment,
    – the authorities and any executive limitations,
    – compensation and other administrative considerations, and
    – any other important items or terms.
  4. The Chair of the Board will send employees and other stakeholders an email message(s) letting them know the President will be absent, the name of the person who will be acting President, and his or her contact information.
  5. The President’s executive assistant will file all messages on matter of the President’s absence and the appointment of the acting President in the official meeting minutes of the Board and in the President’s and acting President’s personnel records (if appropriate).
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