Library Borrowing Privileges

Home / About Us / Policies / Library Borrowing Privileges
Academic and Student Affairs
Library staff; university students, staff, faculty, public at large
Last Revised:
January 26, 2018
VP Academic
Approved By:
Academic Council
Librarian, (306) 790-5950 ext. 3426


The First Nations University of Canada libraries in Regina, Prince Albert, and Saskatoon advance teaching, learning, research, and community service by providing collections that support the academic programming of the university-college community.

The FNUniv Libraries are committed to:

  • Facilitate excellence in teaching, learning and research
  • Create an environment to support teaching, learning, and research
  • Anticipate and respond to student and faculty needs
  • Contribute to positive student and faculty outcomes and experiences
  • Supporting community outreach and community partnerships


All borrowers must show their current registration cards and picture ID cards to obtain library materials. Patrons may obtain picture ID cards from the Registrar’s Office (University of Regina) or the Assistant Registrar (Saskatoon or Northern Campuses). You must have your confirmation of enrolment to obtain an ID card. Picture ID cards are also required to access off-campus and electronic library services.

Individuals not currently registered or employed at First Nations University of Canada, the University of Regina, or one of its federated colleges, may obtain public borrowing privileges, limited to the borrowing of materials (off-campus and electronic library services are not available to public borrowers). Public borrowing privileges may be obtained for an annual fee of $25.00, payable to the Finance office of First Nations University of Canada. To obtain public borrowing privileges, please contact FNUniv library staff.

Reciprocal Borrowing Program

As a federated college of the University of Regina, the First Nations University of Canada libraries participate in the Reciprocal Borrowing Program between the libraries at the University of Saskatchewan (UofS), University of Regina (UofR), and Saskatchewan Polytechnic.

The Reciprocal Borrowing Program allows current faculty, staff, and students:

  • In-person borrowing of library resources at any participating library (to a maximum of 25 items)
  • The ability to return borrowed items to any participating library; the receiving library is responsible for returning the items to the lending library.


To participate in the Reciprocal Borrowing Program, faculty, staff, and students must be in good standing at their home institution library, i.e. no outstanding charges, no overdue items, and have with them a valid library card from their home institution library. Faculty, staff, and students at other Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions are also eligible if, under pre-existing or future agreements with either the UofR, UofS, or Saskatchewan Polytechnic, they have library borrowing privileges at one of those institutions.

Students registered at any Saskatchewan post-secondary institution taking a class(es) at First Nations University of Canada must adhere to the above mentioned eligibility requirements.

Full text of the Reciprocal Borrowing Program policy is available here:

Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

The First Nations University of Canada libraries also participate in the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement, which extends in-person borrowing privileges to students, faculty and staff from across the country.

Visiting students, faculty, or staff from another Canadian university must arrange ahead of time with their home institution to obtain a regional consortia card (COPPUL, CAUL, OCUL, or BCI) before borrowing privileges can be extended.

Visiting students, faculty, or staff from another Canadian university with a valid regional consortia card (COPPUL, CAUL, OCUL, or BCI) will be extended borrowing privileges equivalent to that of a public borrower, at no cost.

Further information on the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement can be found here:

Borrowing Groups and Loan Periods

Borrower Item Loan Period
Faculty and Sessional Instructors

(Faculty can borrow max. of 500 items; Sessional can borrow max. of 100 items)

Government Publications(including Extension, Oversize, School Collection, and Curriculum Lab materials)
End of current semester
Serials 3 Days
Audio-Visual Material(VHS, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes) 3 Weeks
ReferenceMicromaterials Special Collections In Library Use Only
Undergraduate Student

(Undergraduates can borrow max. of 100 items)

Government Publications(including Extension, Oversize, School Collection, and Curriculum Lab materials)
End of current semester
Serials 3 Days
Audio-Visual Material(VHS, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes) 3 Weeks
ReferenceMicromaterials Special Collections In Library Use Only
Graduate Students & Non-Teaching Staff

(Grads can borrow max. of 200 itemsStaff can borrow max. of 500 items)

Government Publications(including Extension, Oversize, School Collection, and Curriculum Lab materials)
End of current semester
Serials 3 Days
Audio-Visual Material(VHS, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes) 3 Weeks
ReferenceMicromaterials Special Collections In Library Use Only
Visiting Scholar

(can borrow max. of 25 items)

Government Publications(including Extension, Oversize, School Collection, and Curriculum Lab materials)
End of current semester
Serials 3 Days
Audio-Visual Material(VHS, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes) 3 Weeks
ReferenceMicromaterials Special Collections In Library Use Only
Alumni, Public Access

(can borrow max. of 25 items)

Government Publications(including Extension, Oversize, School Collection, and Curriculum Lab materials)
End of current semester
Serials 3 Days
Audio-Visual Material(VHS, DVD’s, CD’s, cassettes) 3 Weeks
ReferenceMicromaterials Special Collections In Library Use Only

Overdue and Lost Item Fines and Fees

Patrons are charged a fine for items returned late. Fines accumulate daily:

General collection = 0.50 cents a day to a maximum of $16.00

Reserve materials = 0.50 cents a day to a maximum of $16.00

Recalled materials = $3.00 a day after recall deadline

If a library item has not been returned 30 days after the due date, a $50.00 replacement fee is applied to the patron’s account. Returning the item will remove the $50.00 replacement fee, but not the accumulated overdue fines.

Outstanding fines and fees over $49.00 will prevent the patron from further borrowing from FNUniv libraries. Borrowing privileges will be reinstated once the outstanding fee is reduced to $49.00 or less.

Outstanding overdue and lost item fees may prevent students from registering for classes, convocating, or borrowing library material. Library patrons are responsible for the timely return of library materials or the renewal of library items before the due date. Library staff will not be held responsible for accumulated patron fines. Overdue and fines and fee notices are mailed/emailed once a week.

Fees must be paid at the Finance office of First Nations University of Canada, by cash, debit/credit or cheque made payable to the First Nations University of Canada.

Library material may be renewed online through the library catalogue, or by calling 790-5950 ext 3429,to speak to a staff member. Staff at each campus library can renew material from that library only. You, however, can renew all your books from any library online.

Role and Responsibilities


  • Policy owner
  • Compliance with policy

Library Technician(s)

  • Compliance with policy

University staff, faculty, students, and public-at-large

  • Compliance with policy

Consequences for Noncompliance

Noncompliance with this policy may result in the Library appearing to be reckless in the maintenance of its collections, and/or facing criticism from the university community. Noncompliance may also result in a deterioration of the library’s vibrancy, relevance, and usability.


  1. Revisions, changes, or noncompliance with this policy will be addressed first by the Librarian, and if need be, the Library Services Committee and Academic Council.
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