Policy Governance – Procedure Statement

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April 9, 2017
Board Secretary
Approved By:

Updating Policy or Creating New Policy

  1. A University member identifies the need for a policy update or a new policy and completes the University’s form (Policy owners and the Secretary to the Board will initiate most policy updates and new policies.)
  2. The Secretary to the Board reviews the submission and determines if a policy update or a new policy is required.
  3. The Secretary to the Board will work with the policy owner to carry out the development or review of a University Policy, which may include the following steps:
    1. identify pertinent legislation and policy;
    2. collect and analyze pertinent information;
    3. determine, in conjunction with the Secretary to the Board, who ought to be consulted and conduct these consultations as appropriate;
    4. draft a preliminary University Policy and associated procedures, if any, that meet the criteria set out in the Policy Governance using the prescribed format and revise the draft as necessary during the consultation process;
    5. submit the draft to the Executive Team, who will provide feedback to the policy owner;
    6. revise the draft as necessary and submit to the Executive Team for review;
    7. make the draft available to the university community through the Secretary to the Board for comment, if appropriate; and
  4. The policy owner will submit the final draft to the Secretary to the Board, who will submit the proposed new or revised University Policy for approval to the appropriate approving Authority.

Publishing Policy

When the approval authority approves the new policy or policy updates:

  1. The Secretary to the Board arranges for the policy publisher to publish the policy on the University’s website, files the definitive source of the policy, and updates the University’s records on the policy.
  2. The policy publisher posts the policy on the University’s website and notifies the Secretary to the Board.
  3. The Secretary to the Board announces the new policy or policy update to the University community. (A policy update or a new policy may be announced to different groups at different times).

Changing Policy Ownership or Approval Authority

  1. The policy owner, Secretary to the Board, or policy approval authority identifies a need to change ownership or approval authority of a particular policy and completes the form.
  2. The Secretary to the Board reviews the request and consults with all stakeholders (existing policy owner or approval authority and potential new policy or approval authority).
  3. If the change in policy ownership or approval authority is warranted, the Secretary to the Board designates a new policy owner or approval authority, asks the policy publisher to update the policy on the University’s website, and updates the University’s records on the policy.

Repealing or Retiring Policy

  1. The policy owner or Secretary to the Board recommends to the approval authority that the policy be repealed or retired.
  2. The approval authority reviews the recommendations (and the policy) and approves or denies repeal or retirement of the policy.
  3. When the approval authority approves repeal or retirement of the policy, the Secretary to the Board arranges for the policy to be removed from the University’s website and updates the University’s records for the policy.
  4. The policy publisher removes the policy and all references to the policy from the University website.
  5. If necessary, the Secretary to the Board announces the repeal or retirement to the appropriate University members or the University community
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