Violence Prevention

Home / About Us / Policies / Violence Prevention
University Employees
January 25, 2015
Approved By:
Board of Governors
Director, Human Resources (306) 790-5950 ext. 2507


The Elders teach us to respect the beliefs and values of all nations. Under the Treaties, our leaders entrust us to work in cooperation and equal partnership with other nations. In keeping with the intent of the Treaties, First Nations University of Canada is committed to ensuring the health, safety and well-being of all persons using or visiting its premises and working or studying within its community. First Nations University of Canada will strive to prevent or minimize the occurrence of violent incidents, to promote a safe work and learning environment, and to comply with the Saskatchewan Employment Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996.


“Violence” as defined in this policy is consistent with The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations,Section 37:

…the attempted, threatened, or actual conduct of a person that causes or is likely to cause injury, and includes any threatening statement or behaviour that gives the worker reasonable cause to believe that the worker is at risk of injury.


First Nations University of Canada is committed to ensure the safety of all members of the University community. Any act of violence is unacceptable conduct that will not be tolerated. The university, through this policy, strives to prevent or minimize the risk of violence, and to ensure prompt action, and provide support to victims of violence. It values the well-being of all persons accessing its premises, whether they are visiting, studying or working within its community. The University does not condone or tolerate violent behaviours that interfere with the provision of a positive, productive environment for working or learning and will make every reasonable effort to address.

The University strives to minimize the risk of violence, and to ensure that reasonable safeguards are in place to protect members of its community from incidents of violence in our University. This section applies to activities that occur while on University premises and to work, study or research related activities or social events occurring off-campus.

This policy applies to all members of the university community including individuals employed directly or indirectly at the university, students, volunteers and visitors. This policy applies to risks, threats and incidents of violence that occur on university premises and other work and study sites under the university’s control, or during the course of any university sponsored event. Contractors are required to conform to this Policy as part of their contract agreement. This policy also applies to conduct not on university premises that has an identifiable and substantial link to the University or that affects the University learning or living environment.

All members of the university community share the responsibility for creating and promoting a safe environment and are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and responsible manner.

In addition, for students, University of Regina’s Regulations Governing Discipline for Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct – 5.13 Student Behaviour which can be found in the Academic Calendar and contains a standard of student conduct in non-academic matters also contains prohibited actions, harassment, and discrimination, but not limited to: assault, verbal and non-verbal aggression, physical and verbal abuse, and intimidation.

Situations involving discrimination or harassment will be handled using the procedures contained in the First Nations University of Canada Respectful University Policy.

This policy does not prevent the use of reasonable force where appropriate, nor does it limit or amend the provision of any collective agreement and is not intended to discourage or prevent someone from pursuing a complaint with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, Occupational Health and Safety, or via any other legal avenues available.

Role and Responsibilities

Administrators will:

  • Provide the support and leadership necessary to ensure the safety of all members of the University community
  • Ensure that adequate resources are available to implement appropriate safety measures
  • Require compliance with legislative requirements (Federal/Provincial acts, regulations, standards and guidelines)
  • Provide any information, instruction, training or supervision or development of procedures that is necessary to protect the safety of students, faculty and staff
  • Require that all incidents are reported and investigate all violent incidents to determine what steps are needed to prevent a recurrence and take appropriate corrective action to prevent a recurrence where it is within their authority
  • Ensure victims of violence are cared for as appropriate (e.g., medical care)

Supervisors will:

  • Participate in education and training programs in order to be able to appropriately respond to any incident of University violence
  • Ensure that individuals in their areas of responsibilities have been given adequate direction, training and instruction in order to be able to appropriately respond to any incident of workplace violence
  • Must understand and comply with the Violence Prevention Policy and all related procedures
  • Plan and execute all activities in a manner that promotes compliance with this policy
  • Formulate applicable specific safety rules and safe work and study procedures for their areas of supervision
  • Report all incidents/injuries of violence and/or threats of violence to their supervisor immediately, completing the Incident Report form, and take action to prevent a recurrence where it is within their authority and participate in risk identification
  • Ensure victims of violence are cared for as appropriate (e.g., medical care)

Employees and Students will:

  • Participate in education and training programs in order to be able to appropriately respond to any incident of workplace violence
  • Must understand and comply with the Violence Prevention Policy and all related procedures
  • Report all incidents/injuries of violence and/or threats of violence to their supervisor immediately, completing the Incident Report form
  • Inform the JHSC or worker member of the JHSC regarding any concerns about the potential for violence at the University
  • Contribute to Violence Risk Assessments
  • Seek appropriate support from available resources as required when confronted with violence or threats of violence
  • Seek appropriate medical attention

Contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and others providing a service for the University of Regina will:

  • As part of their contracts, agree to comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and University policies, procedures and programs where directed by the University

University Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OHC) will:

  • Assist in the development and maintenance of University policies on health and safety matters
  • Reports of violent incidents should be reviewed by the employer and the OHC or OHS Representative to help eliminate or reduce workplace violence
  • provide advice and recommend actions to ensure the health and safety of all members of the University community
  • promote health and safety awareness
  • assist in ensuring that this policy is kept current and receive suggestions and recommend actions for policy/program improvements

Consequences for Noncompliance

Following procedural fairness, the university may take action against anyone whose activities are in violation of the law or of this policy. The actions taken may include, but are not limited to:



Anyone who experiences or witnesses violence or a threat of violence in the workplace, or who feels that a colleague, student or visitor is likely to become violent, is encouraged to report the situation:

a. Immediately to Regina Police Services at (306) 777-6500 and;

b. to his/her supervisor or an alternate from department management as soon as practicable.

The supervisor/alternate shall ensure that first aid and health care treatment are made available promptly, if necessary.

The supervisor/alternate shall promptly confirm that the matter has been reported to Regina Police Services and that an Incident Report is completed and forwarded to Human Resources by the end of the business day following the incident.

Note: There shall be no reprisal or threat of reprisal against any member of the University who, in good faith, reports an incident of violence or participates in an investigation.

Emergency Response

In case of emergency, immediately call 911. Provide location and details of the incident. Inform your supervisor and others in the immediate area. “Emergency Response” procedures apply in major emergencies.


Persons who have experienced or witnesses violence or a threat of violence are encouraged to access counselling resources (Employee Family and Assistance Program, Counselling Services).

ResourceContact Information
Regina Police Services
Counselling Services for Students FNUniv Student Success Services ext. 3001University of Regina – Counselling Services
• 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Contact Counselling Services at 306-585-4491
•After 4:30 p.m.: Contact the Mobile Crisis Line at 306-525-5333
Employee Family Assistance Program for faculty and staff 24 HR immediate response 1-866-644-0326


Regina Policy Services will investigate any matter reported.

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